Thursday, October 13, 2011

CTS part 2

CTS surgery is done, now i am still in the recovery mode.. alhamdulillah i can do my office work even not as before. it is much better than before. Thank you Allah.

whilst in this recovery, i am still undergoing physiotherapy. i am wearing winter-punya-glove while in the office sbb tak tahan sejuk. it is not comfortable at all, but i have to. else, i cannot do my work. takpelah, at least kalu nk g holiday-main-salji tak yah beli glove dah :p
i have few more tools which i used to have during this point of time. my wrist splint, typing splint, tungku elektrik-mcm-org-tua etc. boring giler kott..

dlm pada nk recovery, ada pulak another problem occur. it is minor actually. it is not a hard-core-disease pun. but because it is inolving my both hands plus we are doing almost everuthing using hands then it gives a major effect to me somehow.. It is middle finger trigger. never knw of the existance until the time i am having it. it is like a magic whereby yr middle finger could suddenly bent. then melekat mcm apa jer..

aduhai.. patut aku ni jd doctor pakar, tak yah nak typing bagai. :p 

:: tgn da rs tak best, so i better stop here.


  1. weiiiii aku tak tau middle finger trigger tu adalah sejenis penyakit yg betul2 wujud!!! ingatkan ko tgh marah haritu muahahahahaha... Lawak wei!!

  2. Ya Allah, siannya ko Ajak..aku doakan ko cepat sembuh..take care tau..
