Saturday, October 22, 2011

CTS part 3

i think i am CTS free now --> ni kalu Dr Ranjit dengar, dia surely say " Great! you are very lucky la!" he said i am so lucky because the injection for my right hand works with me (sbb dia try & error je.cess). no more numbness at my fingers for both hand. it shows that the CTS is no more there. Brief idea about CTS is here

Only that some how the shooting pain (mcm kene cucuk jarum) is there but very rare. also, the tendon is not yet strong enough, so tak boleh buat keje mcm dulu sgt.

Anyhow, last 2 days, i am not wearing my winter glove at all while at the office. but some how, wondering juga. coz another specialist, Dr Iskandar once said that the feeling of pain is mostly due to less of stimulation around us. bila mlm kita akan rasa sakit lebih dari masa siang hari, sbb siang hari kita bz, ada org2 disekeliling, then kita lupa pada rasa sakit. bila mlm ms nk tdo, kita da xde menda nk buat, otak free, thats why sakit tu kita rasa. sbb otak fokus fikir pada sakit saja.

aku rasa betul. thats y aku pernah gtau husband, "apsal bila smpi hospital, masuk je kat level 5 tu, terus tgn rasa sakit? "wahaa,. there is a fact behind that rupanya. and for the last 2 days, some-unexpected-thing  happen in the office, hence i was thinking about it at most of the time (even until now), means aku tak sedar ada rasa sakit. and at this point of time also  i am not wearing any support-thing whilst typing.

Yeaahh again. I am CTS-free! suka2 hati declare. da la smlm skip physio.

p/s: aku adore Doctor Pakar. aku rasa dorang hebat. kalu aku dikurniakan anak, aku nk paksa dia jadi Doktor Pakar. ayat seorang emak yang diktator.

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